YouExplainIT provides writers with AI & DIY online tools which dramatically decreases the time to adapt a written story into a podcast; which is a significantly growing market segment, and will continue to do so, as media outlets are thirsty for additional original content.

Subscribe now to get all of these state-of-the-art tools:

  • Screenplay-to-Podcast Converter
  • Live Production Studio
  • Text-to-Voice Over Recording
  • Script Template Library
  • Teleprompter
  • Record Audio/Video
  • Create Multi-Media eBooks / Audio Books
  • Publish to Social Networks
  • YouTube Studio Integration

"For very little time a professional or amateur writer, who has already created a screenplay, can come into the YouExplainIt environment; and, by answering a few questions and interacting in a general and positive way with the AI software, will very quickly in one session, end up with a professional recorded podcast that can then be posted to Spotify."

Mike Disa

Screenwriting Instructor & runs Disney's "The Simpsons" pipeline